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Ações em Foco: PETR4, ITUB4, VALE3, SANB11, NUBR33, ABEV3, BBDC4, BBAS3, WEGE3 - 20/09/2024

Set the Month, Year

Petrobras, Itaú Unibanco, Vale, Banco Santander, Ambev, Banco Bradesco, Banco do Brasil and WEG are some of the main stocks traded in the Brazilian stock market as of September, 2024.

September, 2024

Petrobras (PETR4) - Petrobras

Itaú Unibanco (ITUB4) - Banco Itaú Unibanco

Vale (VALE3) - Vale

Banco Santander (SANB11) - Banco Santander

Ambev (ABEV3) - Ambev

Banco Bradesco (BBDC4) - Banco Bradesco

Banco do Brasil (BBAS3) - Banco do Brasil

WEG (WEGE3) - Weg