Today in Teresina, PI, the weather is partially cloudy with a temperature of 20°C. Currently, it is night time with a humidity of 78% and a wind speed of 1.03 km/h coming from the north-northwest direction.
For the upcoming days, the forecast is as follows:
- 02/09 (Seg): Max: 38°C, Min: 18°C, Humidity: 25%, Description: Cloudy weather
- 03/09 (Ter): Max: 39°C, Min: 19°C, Humidity: 27%, Description: Partially cloudy
- 04/09 (Qua): Max: 39°C, Min: 20°C, Humidity: 28%, Description: Cloudy weather
- 05/09 (Qui): Max: 39°C, Min: 20°C, Humidity: 24%, Description: Clear weather
- 06/09 (Sex): Max: 40°C, Min: 20°C, Humidity: 25%, Description: Partially cloudy
- 07/09 (Sáb): Max: 39°C, Min: 21°C, Humidity: 26%, Description: Clear weather
- 08/09 (Dom): Max: 39°C, Min: 22°C, Humidity: 22%, Description: Clear weather
- 09/09 (Seg): Max: 39°C, Min: 20°C, Humidity: 23%, Description: Clear weather
- 10/09 (Ter): Max: 39°C, Min: 21°C, Humidity: 23%, Description: Clear weather
- 11/09 (Qua): Max: 39°C, Min: 21°C, Humidity: 26%, Description: Clear weather