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Previsão do tempo em Santo André hoje 30/06/2024

Confira a previsão do tempo em Santo André.

30/06/2024 às 06h22

30/06/2024 às 06h22

The weather forecast for Santo André, SP on 30/06/2024 at 05:05 is partially cloudy with a temperature of 13°C. The current conditions show that it is night time with 20% cloudiness. The humidity is at 89% and there is no rain expected. The wind is coming from the southeast at a speed of 4.63 km/h.

The sunrise is at 06:48 am and the sunset will be at 05:30 pm. The moon phase is at the last quarter.

For the upcoming days, the forecast predicts rainy weather on 30/06 with a high of 15°C and a low of 11°C. The rain probability is at 100% with a wind speed of 4.26 km/h. On 01/07, the rain continues with a high of 14°C and a low of 11°C, and a wind speed of 3.64 km/h.

On 02/07, the weather clears up with a high of 23°C and a low of 12°C, and a wind speed of 2.39 km/h. The following days, 03/07 and 04/07, will have clear and cloudy weather with temperatures ranging from 27°C to 28°C.

On 05/07, the forecast shows partially cloudy weather with a high of 20°C and a low of 16°C. The rain probability is low at 7% with a wind speed of 4.73 km/h. On 06/07, there will be scattered showers with a high of 24°C and a low of 17°C, and a wind speed of 4.02 km/h.

Finally, on 07/07 and 08/07, the weather will be clear and rainy with temperatures reaching 28°C and 17°C respectively. The rain probability is at 56% on 08/07 with a wind speed of 3.97 km/h. The forecast for 09/07 shows clear weather with a high of 26°C and a low of 15°C, and a wind speed of 2.82 km/h.